Equifax, previously known as Veda, operates as the leading credit bureau in Australia. A credit bureau is a company that collects and maintains people’s credit information and provides it to lenders, creditors, and consumers in the form of a credit report.
Credit bureaus like Equifax exist to report on the credit worthiness of an individual which is valuable to credit providers such as banks, utility providers and other lenders. Equifax does not approve or deny credit - the decision to grant credit is at the discretion of the credit provider.
As the leading credit bureau in Australia, Equifax have been the trusted custodian of Australians' credit histories since 1967.
Globally, Equifax has grown from a consumer credit company into a leading provider of insights and knowledge that helps its customers make informed decisions. The company organises, assimilates and analyses data on more than 820 million consumers and more than 91 million businesses worldwide, and its database includes employee data contributed from more than 7,100 employers.