5 Ways to Start 2022 on a Stronger Financial Footing

Your fresh financial start to 2022
The last two years have been an interesting time.
The pandemic may have left us all seeking a greater sense of security, from our health to our finances. Having a plan in place for your finances, along with strategies to stick to it, is always important, but perhaps now more than ever.
With that in mind, here are some ways to get 2022 off to the best possible start.
1. Celebrate your wins
It's easy to focus on where we’re going wrong but take some time to appreciate what you’ve been doing right. Did you save more in 2021 or contribute more to your super? Did you start budgeting and creating financial goals? If so, great work! When it comes to money management, every little action counts.
Identifying what’s already working for you is the best place to find strengths that you can build on for future successes.
2. Look for where you could improve
Next, it’s time to identify what hasn’t been working well for you. Be honest with yourself and prepare to let go of something if it’s no longer serving you. Remember, great money management isn’t about never making mistakes, we all do. Rather, it is about being consistent, and getting back up on your feet even when you miss a target.
What aspects of your financial situation are troubling you the most right now? Have you been struggling with money management during challenging times? Maybe you need to get a better deal from your current lender? Identify the areas that are causing you the most worry and put these at the top of your priority list to tackle.
3. Dare to try something new
Changing what’s not working for you may just mean making minor tweaks or could require a major overhaul. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is sticking with a strategy that’s not the best option for you simply because you’re afraid to change or lack the time and knowledge. If you need to improve your financial know-how, there are plenty of tools out there, from podcasts and websites to books. We have lots of articles packed with money-saving tips and ideas to help you get started.
It’s never too late to get in control of your finances.
4. Reward yourself when you meet your goals
It can be easy to start the year on a burst of enthusiasm and make ambitious goals but how do you stick to them? Attaching specific rewards to concrete goals is a great way to stay motivated. For example, if you manage to save $10,000 towards your house deposit, you can then “reward” yourself by buying concert tickets or a nice meal for achieving that goal.
You could also partner up with a friend or family member to be each other’s ‘financial accountability’ partner. Simply checking in with someone once a month can make a world of difference.
5. Learn something new
Knowledge is power and improving your knowledge can really help you take charge of your financial well-being. A cornerstone is the key factors driving your credit score. Understanding your credit score, how it affects you, and how you can improve your credit score can make a big difference to your financial prospects.
Get started understanding your credit score
- Learn the difference between positive versus negative credit behaviours and how they affect your credit score.
- Find out what Comprehensive Credit Reporting is and how it affects you.
Wherever you’re at right now, you can find new ways to get organised for the year ahead and get your credit score on track.
Get your FREE Credit Score today to help you stay on top of your finances.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is general in nature and does not take into account your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Therefore, you should consider whether the information is appropriate to your circumstance before acting on it, and where appropriate, seek professional advice from a finance professional such as an adviser.